Reassessing Your Habits for Long-Term Success
The end of the year is the perfect time to reassess your habits. As John Maxwell teaches in The 15 Laws of Growth, the small, consistent actions we take shape our success over time.
How to reassess your habits:
Identify which routines served you well this year and which did not.
Look at habits that align with your long-term goals.
Plan to adjust or replace habits that no longer serve your purpose.
Action Step:
Choose one habit to let go of before the new year and one to strengthen. Write down your plan to transition.
Call to Action:
Need help developing better habits? Explore GroundWork’s Routine Builder for guidance.
Keywords: reassessing habits, personal growth strategies, GroundWork routines, success habits, Maxwell principles
GroundWork Pillar: Routine
Maxwell Material: 15 Laws of Growth